博天堂官方采购卡的正确使用提供指导和程序 (P-Card)

购买卡(P-Card)是一种方便的付款方式 purchase 订单 threshold. It is designed to expedite supplier payment. Cards are for 这是学院的官方业务,不得用于个人购买. Cards are issued 仅供卡上所列个人使用,不得由第三方使用. Cards may not be used for cash advances or ATM use. The P-Card process is not a replacement for price quotes or the bidding processes.

p卡持卡人必须遵守所列的所有条款和条件 herein and to help minimize risk inherent in the use of credit cards.

通过签署协议和p卡,员工同意接受并遵守 博天堂官方卡申请协议以及博天堂官方相关政策和管理规则 purchasing on behalf of the College. 

不当使用或滥用大学p卡将导致暂停或撤销 of the card. 不当使用或误用可能导致退还给学院和纪律处分 对持卡人采取的行动,包括终止雇佣关系和刑事诉讼 行动.

  1. Authorized Users

    Only college employees may be designated as authorized P-Card signers. If the designated p卡上有个人姓名,不得转借给他人使用.

  2. Authorized Usage/Restricted Commodities
    某些类别的产品和服务是不允许的,也不能购买 未经会计预算主任批准,擅自携带p卡. Commonplace examples of restrictions include:
    1. cash advances;
    2. 受管制的物质,包括酒精、麻醉品、毒品和酒精;
    3. 个人礼品(包括但不限于鲜花、水果、卡片);
    4. guns, weapons, or explosives;
    5. insurance of any kind;
    6. leases of equipment or floor space;
    7. personal charges, including personal travel-related expenses;
    8. telephone and telephone services;
    9. temporary services and/or temporary employees;
    10. vehicles;
    11. vending equipment and supplies; and
    12. gasoline for personal vehicles.
  3. Restricted Uses

    某些类别的产品和服务只能用p卡购买 prior approval of the supervisor, including:

    1. biological compounds, injections, bacteria, cultures, or chemicals;
    2. 受管制的物质,包括酒精、麻醉品、毒品和酒精;
    3. hazardous materials; and
    4. radioactive materials.
  4. P-Card Use
    1. M&费用:p -卡可用于低于阈值的材料和服务 requires a regular purchase 订单. Each cardholder shall follow all administrative rules regarding purchases and purchasing practices.  Spend thresholds are requested 并经主管在初始申请表上批准为单笔交易限额 and total credit limit.  The single trans行动 limit and total credit limit determine 每次购买的金额和每个日历月允许的总金额 to be charged on the card.   Purchases may not be split to bypass these restrictions. 所有的采购都要遵循博天堂官方的采购指南,而卡则不是 用于修改或支付采购订单或一揽子采购的任何常规发票 订单.
    2. 差旅费用:p -卡可用于差旅相关的业务费用和文件 of the event and/or purpose of the travel. Cardholders are prohibited from charging 在p卡上的费用,同时收取每天的费用支付 the same charges.
  5. P-Card Limit

    卡提供商可能会指定一个低于博天堂官方的p卡限额 limit, depending on the type of card. The director of 账户ing and budget may assign and/or modify card limits.

  6. P-Card Form

    每位准持卡人必须填写购卡申请表 found on the 博天堂官方 website under the Business Office Forms.

  7. Payment Process

    The process will include the following:

    1. 持卡人填写购卡申请表,获得授权 他们的主管,并将表格发送给会计和预算主任. 一次 approved, the form will be forwarded to Purchasing for processing.
    2. Purchasing requests that a P-Card be generated for the cardholder. The card is delivered to the Business Office and then distributed to the cardholder. The P- Card administrator 是否会培训持卡人正确使用信用卡,持卡人是否会培训 sign to indicate they have been trained. The cardholder shall sign the back of the card and may start making purchases as necessary.
    3. 在每个月的第一天,持卡人或代理人(可以处理信用卡的人)必须向银行申请 持卡人声明(持卡人不在时)将登录作品网站; assign the appropriate FOAPAL, and sign off on the trans行动s.  The cardholder will 将所有需要的文件和收据整理成电子格式 submitted to the approver for review via Laserfiche.  If the original receipt is lost, the 持卡人必须提交一份遗失文件收据的替代备忘录 the monthly submission. 
    4. 审批人登录工程网站,审查交易,以确保适当 对学校资源的使用进行描述和记录,并在交易上签字.   审批人还将批准通过Laserfiche提交的相关文件 by the cardholder.  部门的最终批准必须在规定的期限内完成 and communicated each month by the Business Office. 
    5. 应付帐款将核实适当的文件已完成并输入 the payment information from Works into Banner.
    6. 持卡人有责任追究和纠正与“ monthly billing total and the receipts total. If the dispute is not resolved, contact the P-Card Coordinator to obtain the necessary dispute information. Disputes must be filed in writing within 60 days of the original trans行动. Cardholder must reimburse any difference between allowable costs and charges (e.g., excessive meal costs). 所有 在信用卡销售上处理的退货必须作为信用处理 账户.
    7. 如果持卡人和审批人在一个月内的任何时候决定 月或交易限额对持卡人来说是不够的 审批人将发送电子邮件给P-Card管理员和会计与预算主管 requesting limit increases.  Requests shall include the nature of the purchase, when 订单将被放置,每个项目或商家的消费金额,总支出, 并可能需要报价文件或满足其他采购门槛要求.  
  8. P-Card Use While Traveling on College Business

    持卡人不得使用“p卡”用餐及其他杂费 在学校出差期间,他们是否按规定领取每日津贴 in AR 5115-01.

  9. Fiscal Year

    一个会计年度内发生的所有信用卡支出将从上述账户支付 fiscal year budget.

  10. Additional 费用

    持卡人将全权负责立即报告任何丢失或被盗 P -卡. 因卡丢失或被盗而产生的所有费用或费用将由本公司负责 charged to the responsible unit.

    1. If a card is lost or stolen, immediately call and report to:
      1. Bank of America at (888) 449-2273.
      2. 采购部的博天堂官方 P-Card管理员,电话:(541)917- 4332或
      3. 如果从博天堂官方设施被盗,也拨打校园保安电话(541)917-4440.
    2. 与获得信用卡相关的费用和服务费(如果有的话)应由贵方支付 费用由申请该卡的主管部门/部门承担.

DATE(S) OF REVISION(S): 08/23/94; 08/08/95; 07/01/97; 06/14/05; 07/06/10, 2/18/16; 10/31/16; 11/5/2020