Administrative Rule No: 6060-02

Title: Family and Medical Leave

确保遵守有关家庭和医疗的州和联邦法规 leaves. 确定获得家庭和医疗服务的资格条件和程序 leave.

Family and medical leaves of absence will be granted for those employees meeting the qualifying guidelines under the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the Oregon 家庭休假法案(OFLA)和/或带薪休假俄勒冈州(PLO),并将在俄勒冈州实施 conformance with those regulations. 在适用的情况下,应享权利将同时运行. 在一年中,家庭和医疗假期最多可达十二(12)周 measurement period. 一些受保护的休假权利可能会延长 the twelve (12) weeks. 申请在FMLA, OFLA和PLO授权期间休假 应根据AR 6060-01《博天堂官方》进行考虑.

学院遵守俄勒冈州和联邦法律,提供无偿和/或有偿, 工作保护,家庭和医疗假. Qualifying reasons include:

  1. 在孩子出生、收养或寄养后的一年内的育儿假 placement of a child under eighteen (18), or adoption or foster placement of a child eighteen (18) or older if incapable of self-care because of a mental or physical disability. 育婴假包括完成抚养所需法律程序的假 placement or adoption. (FMLA/OFLA/PLO)
  2. Leave for the employee’s own serious health condition, or to care for a spouse, domestic 配偶、父母、子女、公婆、祖父母、孙子或其他符合条件的人 有严重健康问题的家庭成员. 合格家庭的定义 会员享有的各项权利可能有所不同. (FMLA/OFLA/PLO)
  3. 怀孕伤残假(严重健康状况假的一种形式 因怀孕或分娩而丧失工作能力的雇员 孩子出生后,或进行产前护理. (FMLA/OFLA/PLO)
  4. Sick child leave taken to care for an employee’s child with an illness or injury that 需要家庭护理,但不是严重的健康问题. (OFLA)
  5. 丧假是为了处理家庭成员的死亡. (OFLA)
  6. 为有配偶、儿子、女儿的合格雇员提供联邦军人家庭假, or parent on active duty or call to active duty status in the National Guard or Reserves 支持应急行动. (FMLA)
  7. Oregon military family leave for the spouse or same-gender domestic partner of a service 已被召上岗或已被通知即将被召上岗的成员 在军事冲突中离开现役. (OFLA)
  8. Safe Leave for survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, harassment, or stalking. (PLO)
  9. 因儿童生病请假导致学校/托儿所关闭的公共卫生紧急事件. (OFLA)

Eligibility for Leave

  1. 在学院工作至少12个月的员工 who have worked at least 1,250 hours during the 12-month period immediately preceding 根据联邦法律(FMLA),假期开始时有资格获得保险。.
  2. 在学院工作满180天的员工,平均为 least twenty-five (25) hours per week are eligible for family leave under Oregon law (OFLA).
  3. 在过去十二(12)个日历中至少赚取1000美元的员工 months are eligible for PLO. 没有工作时间要求,但必须工作90年以上 (90) days to have job protection. (PLO). 

Exception 1: For parental leave, workers are eligible after being employed for 180 calendar days, 不管工作了多少小时.

Exception 2: 对于俄勒冈州军人家庭假,如果工人至少工作过,他们就有资格 an average of twenty (20) hours per week, without regard to the duration of employment.

Exception 3: 只在勤工俭学岗位工作的员工不符合资格 PLO.

Length of Leave

  1. Employees are entitled to a maximum of 12 weeks of family leave within the employees' 12-month leave measurement period.
  2. 使用怀孕残疾假的员工有权获得十二(12)额外假期 在同一休假年中,为任何符合资格的OFLA目的而休假的周数.
  3. Under OFLA, an employee using a full twelve (12) weeks of parental leave is entitled 请病假最多十二(12)周.
  4. Under OFLA, employees are entitled to two (2) weeks of bereavement leave to be taken 在收到受保家庭成员死亡通知后的六十(60)天内. Full-time employees may be eligible for paid bereavement leave as outlined in AR 6060-04, Bereavement Leave.
  5. 根据FMLA,服役人员的配偶或家庭伴侣有权获得总额 在通知军人配偶后,每次部署可休假14天 an impending call or order to active duty and before deployment and when the military spouse is on leave from deployment.

Where allowed by law, federal family medical leave, Oregon family, parental or pregnancy leave, workers’ compensation leave, and leave for a non-work related injury or illness 所有假期是否可以同时进行,并在雇员的家庭年假中计算 entitlement.

If the initial twelve (12) week period of approved absence proves insufficient, consideration 可以给予延期申请吗. 学院可能不需要员工 to substitute other accrued leave for a workers’ compensation injury which also qualifies 已被指定为家庭医疗假.

Military Family Leave Entitlements

有配偶、儿子、女儿或父母在现役或应召的合格雇员 在国民警卫队或预备役部队服役,以支持紧急情况 operation may use their 12-week leave entitlement to address certain qualifying exigencies. 合格的紧急情况可能包括参加某些军事活动,安排 alternative childcare, addressing certain financial and legal arrangements, attending 某些咨询会议,并参加部署后重返社会简报会. 

FMLA还包括一项特殊的休假权利,允许符合条件的员工 在休假期间,请最多26周的假来照顾受保的服务人员 12-month period. 受保军人是(1)现役军人; including a member of the National Guard or Reserves, who is undergoing medical treatment, 休养或治疗,是在门诊状态,否则是在 temporary disability retired list, for a serious injury or illness; or (2) a veteran 谁在任何时候都不是在不光彩的情况下被解雇或释放 during the five year period prior to the date the eligible employee takes FMLA leave to care for the covered veteran, and who is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, 或治疗严重的伤害或疾病.


The twelve (12) month period in which family medical leave is measured begins on the 第一天休假,并展望12个月. 

Pay During Leave

员工可以使用累积的病假、补偿时间和/或带薪休假福利 when available for all absence designated as FMLA, OFLA, or PLO, which may run concurrently.

Employees receiving PLO benefits may use their accrued sick and/or paid leave benefits 给予巴解组织正常工资的100%补助.  Employees may use accrued leave 除巴勒斯坦劳工福利外,酌情支付缺勤工资.

雇员必须用完所有累积的病假、带薪假期、补偿时间、 PLO benefits, and/or donated sick leave if applicable, before approval of unpaid leave.

病假和带薪休假在无薪休假期间不应累计,也不应累计 在确定带薪休假或病假的比率时,是否应考虑无薪休假 雇员返回工作岗位后应计的假期. 



  1. Submit a Family/Medical Leave Request form to the employee’s supervisor at least thirty (30) days in advance of foreseeable events, and as soon as possible for unforeseeable events. 未能提供可预见的休假通知可能导致纪律处分 诉讼和/或巴解组织索赔中支付的福利可能减少. Requests for PLO must be submitted through our designated equivalent plan provider, approval will 通过同等计划提供商指定. Other elements of leave designation 将与人力资源(HR)协调
  2. 与主管讨论休假的需要,并向他们提供已签署的休假单 Family/Medical Leave Request form.
  3. 主管将签署、复印并将休假申请表转发给人力资源部.
  4. 人力资源部将向员工提供合格通知,并(如果适用)与之合作 employees to request medical certification by providing the employee with the Physician 要交给医疗保健提供者的证明表格. The healthcare provider or 员工必须在规定时间内将表格交回人力资源部.
  5. 人力资源部将向员工提供批准/拒绝FMLA/OFLA休假的通知 关于大约多少假期将被计算在他们的12周内的细节 entitlement.
  6. 人力资源部将与员工一起完成人事交易表格并提交 it to their immediate supervisor. 主管将确保签名 并将已签署的表格交回人力资源部.
  7. 人力资源部将提供员工在适用情况下的权利和期望的通知 联邦和州法律以及集体谈判协议.
  8. 人力资源部将在FMLA/OFLA休假权利用尽时通知员工.

Medical Certification

Employees must provide thirty (30) days advance notice of the need to take leave when the need is foreseeable. 如果不可能提前三十(30)天通知,员工 must provide notice as soon as practicable and generally must comply with the department’s normal call-in procedures. 员工必须为学院提供足够的信息 to determine if the leave may qualify for leave protection and the anticipated timing and duration of the leave. 足够的信息可能包括雇员是 不能履行工作职责,家庭成员不能履行职责 日常活动时,需要住院或继续接受健康治疗 照顾者,或支持军人家庭假需要的情况. 

雇员还必须通知雇主,如果请求休假是出于某种原因 哪些OFLA/FMLA假期以前使用或证明. Employees may be required 提交医疗保健提供者的证明,以验证家庭的需要 休假,其开始和预计结束日期,以及预计所需的时间. Recertification 雇员自身的严重健康状况或他人的严重健康状况 员工的家庭成员可能会定期被要求.

Effect on Benefits

在休假的前十二(12)周,学院将继续提供 health care insurance (medical, dental, and vision) for the employee as outlined by the employee’s group plan. 如果员工目前有家属医疗保险, and continues to pay their percentage of the insurance premium(s), the College will 同时继续支付其相应比例的附属保费.

当休假超过十二(12)周时,所有病假和带薪休假应计额均已扣除 been exhausted, employee and/or dependent healthcare insurance coverage may be continued under federal COBRA entitlement. 员工支付的可选人寿和长期护理保险 可以通过可移植性选项继续吗. 家属医疗保险将会 根据员工休假期限的规定恢复.

应计福利,如假期、病假或假日福利,暂停发放 在无薪休假期间,并在重返工作岗位后恢复工作.


If you normally pay a portion of the premiums for your health insurance, these payments 在探亲假和病假期间必须继续吗. If you continue to receive a paycheck (i.e.: sick leave, vacation, etc.),这些保费将自动扣除 deducted from your paycheck. 

If the leave is unpaid, arrangements for payments should be discussed with Human Resources before the unpaid leave begins. 如果你选择付款,他们是由于 College by the first of each month. 你有三十(30)天的宽限期,在此期间 为每个适用的保险月支付保费. If payment is not made 在三十(30)天的宽限期内,承保范围将被取消.

Intermittent or Reduced Schedule

如有医疗需要,可间歇或连续休探亲假或病假 a reduced schedule. 员工可能会被提供临时调动,也可能会接受临时调动 to an alternative position that better accommodates intermittent or reduced schedule leave. 任何关于员工的安置或继续工作的决定都是基于 基于支配所有此类决定的同样考虑,我.e., the employee’s ability 圆满地履行有关职位的基本职责.

Periodic Medical Reports

在休假期间,员工可能被要求提供定期的工作报告 status and intent to return to work.

Returning to Work

Employees on family leave are requested to provide the College with at least two weeks 员工打算返回工作岗位的日期提前通知. A return to work release may be required from employees returning from a leave for the employee’s own serious health condition. 如果没有收到所需的文件,员工的 可延迟归还,直至提供.

如已获批准休假,其开始或终止日期可为 further extended or reduced upon application by the employee to his or her supervisor. These adjustments will be made with the understanding that such extension or reduction would not substantially interfere with the administration of the college and/or with the education of the students.

如果员工在开始休假的十二(12)周内返回, the employee will be returned to their former position if the job still exists, even 如果该职位在员工休假期间已被填满,除非该员工已填满 即使没有休假,也被解雇或解雇. 

探亲假和病假及复职权由联邦政府规定 and Oregon law and applicable bargaining unit provisions with the College; failing 该等规定应适用董事会的政策.

Date of Adoption: 11/16/11
Dates of Revision: 06/04/15; 12/5/17; 5/6/21; 1/5/2024
Date of Last Review: 06/04/15; 12/5/17; 1/5/2024