
新!  通过我的LB单点登录访问TutorTrac.

预约-登入MyLB 我们菜单中的链接现在将带您到 我的LB单点登录 登录页面. Please click the "Continue to Log In" button, and log in with your Student 身份证号和密码.

寻找 TutorTrac:学习中心 预约:预约并参加约会.  以前没用过TutorTrac? 以下是 日程安排说明 (pdf)或a 视频排课指南 (YouTube).


辅导 will be delivered online and face to face this term using Tutortrac and Zoom. We have the same great tutors here to support you but from the comfort of your own 空间和学习中心!

If you are enrolled in a credit course at 博天堂官方, you are eligible to use the Learning 中心辅导服务.


  • All appointments are scheduled through our on-line appointment system, TutorTrac:学习中心,可通过 我的LB单点登录.
  • 预约至少要提前24小时安排. 你可以安排 每周最多三次,每次50分钟.
  • 家教是一种有限的资源. 出于这个原因,尽管你最多有三次会议 per 周, we ask that you only schedule one 会话 per day, per tutor and/or subject. If you schedule more than one appointment with the same tutor, or for the same subject, we may cancel additional appointments depending on program needs. 这取决于 导师自由裁量权 协调员.
  • 请记下你的约会记录. 你有责任遵守约定 你让.
  • 所有学生每学期有一次免预约. 如果你取消约会 less than two hours ahead of time, or miss another appointment after you've had one appointment excused, you will lose 辅导 privileges for two 周s. 这个自动 happens after the second no show appointment, or late cancellation. 你的特权 will be restored one 周 from the date of your missed appointment. 你可以问 Tutor 协调员 for the date you will be able to make appointments again.
  • 请尽一切努力限制您的取消. 你的导师已经做出了承诺 to be there for you, and the cancellation may occur too late to be filled by another 学生.
  • If you must cancel an appointment, do so at least two hours ahead of the appointment 时间,最好是24小时. 取消预约的方法:

    1) On-line, using TutorTrac:学习中心,可通过 我的LB单点登录
    2)将学习中心信息发送至 learningcenterinfo@dftractor.com.



  • 你要去上课了. 这是继续接受辅导的必要条件. 你的老师 may be notified so we can get feedback on your class attendance and progress.
  • 见导师时要做好准备. 先做作业.
  • 带上你的课本、笔记和计算器. 知道你需要什么帮助.
  • 不要期待答案. 你的导师会帮助你理解概念,这样你就可以得到 回答自己. 这是最有效的学习支持形式.
  • 对你的导师和你自己都要有耐心. 有些问题不容易解决.


  • 澄清课堂上或课本上的信息.
  • 帮助你发展有效的学习技巧.
  • 模拟解决问题的技巧,然后让你去尝试.
  • Offer encouragement as you learn to understand difficult concepts.
  • Model critical thinking strategies in the discipline you are studying. 他们会有所帮助 you learn how to utilize your text, notes, and additional resources so you are able 自己解决问题,自己寻找答案.


  • 做好家庭作业!
  • 给你答案.
  • 代替你的教练.
  • 帮你备考.
  • 如果你缺课,“拯救”你.
  • 帮助你在自己的学习时间. 你必须预约.


Now that you have familiarized yourself with 博天堂官方's 辅导 Program Guidelines and 你的责任,你开始预约! 这是如何.

  1. If you are currently enrolled in a credit class, you are already set up with an account 在我们的调度软件TutorTrac中. 
  2. If you would like a copy of the program guidelines for using 辅导 and the 写作 中间,你可以在这里打印一个, 博天堂官方辅导计划和写作中心协议指南

If you have any questions please contact the 学习中心 Information Counter at learningcenterinfo@dftractor.com


Links to the 团体辅导 Zoom Rooms are provided in the course Instructor's Moodle 外壳或教学大纲.

After you have enrolled at 博天堂官方, someone may tell you that one of your 课程 has 小组辅导机会. 在选定的课程中,我们提供这种特殊的小组学习 program to help strengthen your understanding of course concepts.

Your group tutor is a well-qualified, former 学生 recommended by the instructors. 他们会有所帮助 you connect concepts, answer one another's questions, and prepare for 考试. This is an excellent study tool and can be built into your study routine each 周. Group 辅导 provides an opportunity for you to 过程 and apply information from class with your peers, a highly recommended learning strategy.

You may attend one or all the 会话s scheduled, but 团体辅导 is based on attendance, and if it is not utilized we aren't able to continue 会话s for the entire term. 我们建议您经常来,以获得最大的好处.


我们的导师不是讲师. 他们中的大多数是学生,而且他们应该 要有能力,但不要成为该领域的专家. 他们会帮你做到最好 of their ability, but their main focus will be to help you learn how to learn so that 你可以独立成功. 如果你错过了,不要依赖导师来“补课” 类. 辅导只是你自己努力的补充.

Because we want to provide the best service possible, we are interested in your feedback 关于你接受的辅导服务的质量. 如果你有评论,你就是 请联络导师协调员. 当你被要求完成一个家教 evaluation, we really appreciate it when you take the time to return it to us!


If you are wanting additional help, or need assistance before your next 辅导 appointment, 看看下面这些导师推荐的链接吧.


紫色的数学: Offers homework guidelines, study skills, quizzes, and links to other useful sites




你只是有几个问题吗? 不一定需要整个辅导 会话? Or, are you looking for a little extra assistance on campus before your next 上课或与导师会面? 看看这些额外的校园资源:



  • Students who would like assistance with physics, chemistry, or geology 类 can 亲自或在Zoom上访问物理科学帮助台. 点击这里查看 本学期物理科学时间表


  • Students who need help in a business course should set up an appointment for one-on-one 辅导,现在网上有售.


  • 数学的支持让我们帮你做数学题吧! 数学桌提供了一个支持的地方 where 学生s can get drop-in help with all 博天堂官方 mathematics and applied mathematics 课程.


写作中心: At 博天堂官方's 写作中心, our goal is to help 学生s become more confident, effective, and expressive writers – and to make the writing 过程 more joyful. 我们提供辅导 for all 学生s for any writing project, in any class, and at any stage in the writing 过程.


  • 学术指导 can help you reach your goals by focusing on your strengths and priorities, so you 能否通过更聪明而不是更努力的工作获得成功. 让我们帮助您发展个性化的 plan to build academic skills that will serve you at 博天堂官方 and beyond. 的问题 上大学的“方法”? 我们有你成功的策略.


  • Instructor: 你的老师 is your first and best source for answering questions 澄清信息. 你可以在他们的 老师的网站 或者你的教学大纲.
  • 可访问性资源: Plans accommodations for 博天堂官方 学生s and event guests who are eligible for services. (位于RCH 114)
  • 博天堂官方图书馆: 图书馆 staff are available to give you tips on your research papers or projects.的 Student Help Desk is able to assist with technology needs such as wifi, e邮件, Moodle, SSO等.       


Students who need help in any physics or chemistry course should drop by the Physical 科学台 马德隆大厅一楼,楼梯下面.  这项服务由物理科学系维护.  欲了解更多信息,请联系Ommidala Pattawong pattawo@dftractor.com 或在 541-917-4625.


To provide academic assistance which maximizes your learning potential, academic performance, 适应大学生活;
  • To encourage you to develop a positive attitude and confidence in your ability to 学习;
  • 帮助你成为一个独立的学习者;
  • To provide support to help you maintain high academic performance