

The 林本顿社区学院 图书馆 (“the 图书馆”) provides access to its collections, without any charge, to students, employees, and community members. 有些项目只有 可供某些用户使用,包括:

  • Interlibrary loans - reserved for 博天堂官方 students and employees
  • Laptops and hotspots - reserved for 博天堂官方 students
  • Course textbooks - reserved for 博天堂官方 students

看到我们的 访问策略 for more details about services to the public.

The due date for all library materials, with the exception of  one day / two hour / reserve items is the end of the current term.  退单不得续订.  During the 图书馆's open hours, please feel free to call the Circulation Counter 请拨打541-917-4638寻求帮助.





Materials obtained through interlibrary loan: $2.00美元一天



To avoid late charges, please make sure to renew your materials, either online, by using the "My 图书馆 Account" link on the top right corner of the page, or by calling the 博天堂官方 图书馆 Circulation Desk at 541-917-4638.


当一个用户的账户累积了10美元.00 or more in fines, their checkout privileges will be "blocked" and remain suspended until the user does the following:

1. Check in all materials on which fines are accumulating. (e.g. 如果一个人有储备 item out, privileges will not be unblocked until the item has been checked in).

2. Pay the bill for overdue fines (this bill is generated at the library's circulation 计数器) at the 博天堂官方 Business Office and bring the receipt back to the circulation 计数器.

Blocked users can appeal their bills by filling out an appeal form and submitting 给图书馆的流通人员. A librarian will review the appeal and reply directly 致用户. 联系 libcirc@dftractor.com 启动这个过程.


Here are a few tips to avoid accumulating fines and being billed for "LOST" books:

  1. Pay attention to due dates (this will be printed on your receipt)
  2. Renew your checkouts (with the exception of Reserve materials, calculators, hotspots, 和笔记本电脑)
  3. Read your 博天堂官方 email - you will receive the following email reminders before you are “遗失”物品的实际账单:
    • 材料到期前3天
    • The day after materials become overdue
    • 14 days after materials become overdue
    • 21 days after materials become overdue

Remember, you can renew checkouts of most library items (except Reserves, calculators, 和笔记本电脑) up until they are marked "LOST." While this does not erase any accumulated fines, you can save yourself the expense of replacing a book!

Significant or repeated failure to return library items (including technology) may result in suspension of a library user's borrowing privileges.


Billing for LOST or Long Overdue Materials

The library's checkout software automatically marks checkouts as "LOST" 21 days after their due date if they have not been checked in. 此时,您将收到一个 email notifying you of a pending bill; billing will be done by the 博天堂官方 billing office. You will be billed the cost of item plus fines and processing fees for each lost item. Please make sure to return materials on time or to renew your loans.



林本顿社区学院, as part of its commitment to student success, makes a variety of technology equipment available to its students through various offices 和学院的院系. The LB 图书馆 provides computers and internet access available to students both on campus and through check-out of equipment for home use. As part of this commitment, we also have a responsibility to be good stewards of these resources, to make them available to as many students as possible in 订单 to provide opportunity for the student population as a whole, and to keep them in good working 订单. The following policies apply to term-long checkouts of laptops and hotspots 来自LB图书馆:

  • Checkout of laptops and hotspots are restricted to currently-enrolled students at Linn-Benton.
  • Checkout term length for laptops and hotspots runs from the first day of the term 直到学期的最后一天. Items cannot be picked up before that day and must be 在那天返回. 不允许续签. 这 enables us to update and maintain the machines over the breaks between terms. Items not returned may be subject to late 费用或重置费用.
  • Laptop and hotspot checkouts are first come, first served and are done in person at 奥尔巴尼校区LB图书馆. 不允许预订或延期. 这允许 the most equitable access to the equipment and ensures that it is in good working 当它离开图书馆时,请订购. 
  • If equipment is not returned by the end of the term, library checkout privileges may be suspended until the equipment is returned and/or any late fees and bills have been paid, which can include the cost of replacing the equipment. 学生可以上诉 bills by filling out an appeal form and submitting 给图书馆的流通人员. 联系 libcirc@dftractor.com or call 541-917-4638 启动这个过程.
  • If equipment is damaged, lost or stolen, students may be held responsible for part or all of the costs and it may impact access to borrow equipment in the future. 这 is decided on a case-by-case basis in 订单 to ensure the most equitable access to these resources for the student population as a whole, and can be appealed by filling out an appeal form and submitting 给图书馆的流通人员. 联系 libcirc@dftractor.com or call 541-917-4638 启动这个过程.