

Federal Student Aid (FSA) has made changes to the 2023-2024 FAFSA which includes changes 到依赖项覆盖.

Students can request an update to their FAFSA based on situations that may have changed 自首次提交FAFSA以来. 联邦学生援助(FSA)现在区分了 different categories of professional judgment as listed below:

  • Special Circumstances: refers to the financial situations (loss of a job, etc.), justify 博天堂官方 financial aid staff updating data elements in the 我看 或者是 成立分公司 计算.
  • 不寻常的情况s: refers to the conditions that justify 博天堂官方 financial aid staff updating a student’s dependency status based on a unique situation (e.g. 人口贩卖, refugee or asylee status, parental abandonment, incarceration), previously referred 作为“依赖覆盖”.

Students may request professional judgment, either a special or unusual circumstances 通过他们的WebRunner账户. 在FA WebRunner的主页上,单击Financial 援助,然后是财政援助仪表盘. 一旦你进入了经济援助门户,请选择 一般链接下的“财政援助表格和上诉”. 如果您还没有登录 this site before, it will request a ONE TIME account creation, using your FAFSA Data.


When requesting an 覆盖, students must provide supporting documentation, which 会被要求提交上诉吗. 财政援助办公室将提供 students with a decision as soon as possible after reviewing all requested documentation.

For unusual circumstances that affect the student's dependency status, 博天堂官方 financial aid staff will review all requests as soon as possible but no later than 60 days after 学生报名. Students who indicated they were an eligible homeless youth, foster care youth, orphan, ward of the court, an emancipated minor, or legal guardianship on their 2022/23 FAFSA will have their answers to these questions carried over and 进入他们的2023/24年度FAFSA. 依赖性问题的其他答案(例如., age, dependent children, veteran status) will continue to carry over to the 2023/24 FAFSA. Students must still affirm that their previous answers to the dependency questions are correct and applicable before submitting their FAFSA.


金融援助 Administrators have the authority, through Section 480(d)(7) of the Higher Education Act, to change a student’s status from dependent to independent in 涉及异常情况的案件.

The US Department of Education has given guidance regarding situations that do or do not qualify as unusual circumstances that may merit an 覆盖. 特别是, the following circumstances do not merit a dependency 覆盖, either alone or in 组合:

  • Parents refuse to contribute to the student’s education;
  • Parents are unwilling to provide information on the application or for verification;
  • Parents do not claim the student as a dependent for income tax purposes;
  • Parents live away from student (out-of-state) or in a foreign country;
  • 学生表现出完全自给自足.

However, we acknowledge that sometimes there are additional circumstances that occur separate of or in conjunction with these circumstances (above), do merit a dependency 覆盖. 这些包括:

  • 虐待的家庭环境(例如.g.性、身体或精神虐待或其他形式 家庭暴力)
  • 被父母遗弃
  • 父母双方都被监禁或收容
  • parents lacking the physical or mental capacity to raise the child
  • parents whereabouts unknown or parents cannot be located
  • 父母长时间住院
  • 不合适的家庭.g.把孩子从家庭中带走,送到寄养家庭 护理)
  • 已婚学生的配偶去世或学生离婚

To file an appeal, visit your 金融援助 Dashboard, as explained above.

If you do not meet the criteria above, you are considered a dependent student per the Department of Education eligibility criteria and must provide parental information on the FAFSA to be considered for all federal and state aid eligibility.

In rare cases, it may be advised for a student to consider appealing for Financial 在没有父母关于FAFSA信息的情况下提供援助. 这个请求,如果被批准,结果 在联邦直接无补贴贷款资格. 请考虑这个选择 carefully and review with a 金融援助 Advisor if you have questions. 学习 更多,继续阅读 . . .

Federal Direct 未受资助的贷款 Request (FAFSA Without Parental Data)


A dependent student whose parent(s) refuse to complete the parent data on the FAFSA 他们的父母没有经济支持他们. 这包括个人开支, 住房、医疗保险等. 学生必须是100% responsible f或者是ir personal, 医疗和教育费用.


Complete the Federal Direct 未受资助的贷款 (without Parental Data on FAFSA) form and submit to The Office of 金融援助 via their email: faoffice@dftractor.com.

这 includes a signed statement from the student’s parent(s)’ regarding their refusal to complete the FAFSA and that they no longer financially support the student. 这 includes all personal, 医疗和教育费用. 学生必须是100% 这一要求应考虑自力更生.

What is the difference between the Federal Direct Subsidized and 未受资助的贷款s?

补贴贷款 固定利率是3吗.73%*政府支付利息,而你 在校(注册6学分及以上). 你的资格是基于你的 financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). If you are determined by the FAFSA application to be a dependent student, you will be asked to include your parents’ information on the FAFSA. 如果因为任何原因你 do not include their information, you will only be eligible to be considered for unsubsidized 贷款.

未受资助的贷款 固定利率是3吗.73%*而你,作为借款人,将不得不支付全部 贷款所产生的利息. 利息在付款时开始产生 第一次支付. Your eligibility is not based on financial need but may be impacted 由FAFSA确定的其他因素决定.

Federal Direct 贷款 are available to students who have not reached their lifetime 借款上限.

*NOTE: All interest rates stated are fixed rates f或者是 life of the loan. 利息 rates for federal student 贷款 are determined by federal law. 如果有未来 changes to federal law that affect federal student loan interest rates, 它们将在这里在线发布.


依赖学生 未受资助的贷款
  秋天 冬天 春天 总计
大一(0-45学分) $1834 $1833 $1833 $5500
大二(45学分或以上) $2167 $2167 $2166 $6500
最高贷款限额(终身) 总计 
受供养学生(按FAFSA计算) $31000
独立学生(根据FAFSA) $57500

If approved to be considered for a Federal Direct 未受资助的贷款 Request (FAFSA without Parental Information), you will gain access to the unsubsidized loan only 作为一个“依赖”的学生. 此批准不会更改您的依赖项状态为 由教育部在FAFSA上确定.